

Star Light, Star Bright

I finally have something new in my shop! And more to come!

I love the stars. When I was in high school and my family would drive back from Wednesday night church, it was in the country and while the stars weren't as crazy amazing as in other instances, I still loved to stare at them the whole ride home.

This illustration was inspired while I was reading P.L. Traver's Mary Poppins. There's one story in the book where the kids look out their window at night and catch Mary Poppins and the gingerbread ladies ( who make it, not are made of it) pasting the starry gingerbread wrappers into the sky. I've always especially loved that bit of the book. 

I think Traver's must have loved the night sky too, because another story is about one of the stars coming down to earth to do her Christmas shopping and in Mary Poppins Returns the children go to a circus and Michael wins the moon.

I still love Mary Poppins and Mary Poppins Returns even though I'm well past the intended audience age.
What books do you still love from childhood?


  1. Hi Melody,

    I love this illustration...I love stars as well. Nothing like a clear night so we can see the beauty up above us. Great work.


  2. so fairy, really. love the blue shade you have for the night :D


  3. That is so, so cute! Thanks for coming by my blog and commenting about kids clothes. I'll have to keep an eye on the sales rack at Gymboree!

    My fave books from when I was a kid were Charlotte's Web and all the Babysitters Club books!

  4. Lovely illustration! I also like Mary Poppins but this illustration also reminds me of the Little Prince!
